Esvee - God Answered...PRESS RELEASE!

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The ReHearsal House Company, a Record Company and Motion Picture division of the PPICOMPANY and major partner of ReHearsal House Nigeria, is pleased to announce GOD ANSWERED: A new album from ESVEE.

ESVEE who has appeared in couple of Nollywood movies, as well as the 2001 record single HAIL JESUS with Mr Hollywood, has kept us all in a long period of Oceanic hush, Thank God, it's time to break the iceberg of deafening silence and she's just broken the Records for all time in GOD ANSWERED! A first of its kind! a true revolution in Naija Praise Gospel! Captured simply "Ogele-Nkwa" Gospel goes Contemporary!

Think you've heard it all? It just begins, the awe never quits, as ESVEE opens up a whole world of union between languages never this way synchronized, I'm guessing Musicologist would have a Lil hard time naming this new fusion of English-Ibo-Beni-with diverse Ghanaian dialects! Name it if you could! Again put simply NAIJA MUSIC JUST GOT INTO A PARADIGM SHIFT guess the new word for ESVEE is TRAILBLAZER!

S/o to everyone who made this Album, starting with the Lord, to whom be Praise, Glory, Majesty and Adoration! There's no God besides the Lord, the great I AM! further Appreciation to  Producer Kellypraise of Kellypraise Records, no ambassador ever had a better Producer for a project as this! And to Fellow Ambassadors, management and Staff of RH COMPANY, what an amazement of innovation y'all are...Young folks so Directional! Hey friends and family... Guess what... The Album at last is HERE... And once again it's ESVEE on GOD ANSWERED!

Playing today on...

Radio Nigeria HARTLAND FM 100.5 Owerri Imo State @6pm @ #OgeleHartland #James Uwalaka...

Download the premiere tracks on and

RH Company media department.

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