Coming Up: February Childhood Musical Solo Challenge Audition: February 18, 2023.
There are 12 distinct keys in Music, the proper learning of any (Chromatic) Musical Instrument, must include training across all Musical Keys! One of the earliest tradition in ReHearsal House Academy, is the requirement of Students to play on all Keys! The first step to beginning to play on all Keys, is the Diatonic Major Scale: learning to play it (the major scale) across all Keys! This "tradition" has been a mandatory requirement, for all categories of the ReHearsal House Academy. This Month the ReHearsal House Childhood Musical Department, is bringing us the Diatonic Major Scale in a featured exercise slot of our February 2023 Childhood Musical Solo Challenge Audition. The February 2023 Solo Musical Challenge, will be Featuring Solo Performances on: Piano Sax Recorder Vocals The Childhood Musical Major Scale featured Challenge, will be holds across the following Instruments: Piano Sax Recorder