
Showing posts from March, 2019

Concerning Our Programs 3: STAGES 3 & 4.

Program 2 stage 3 and 4... Stage 3 is the first stage of program 2, program 2 comprises of two stages, that is stage 3 and 4.  Program 2 is exposure and performance driven! All basic skills viz Fingering, Coordination, Ear Training, Sight-reading, Language of Music, Breathing, Instinctiveness, Posture, etc, must have been thoroughly acquired at this stage, also a student must have completed all the "012 phases" before they are eligible to resume in program 2.  The minimum repertoire a student may possess at the end of stage 3 is "036" which in addition to the previous 012, implies that the student by the end of stage 3 should possess a minimum of "048 repertoire". Students who do not possess the minimum repertoire at the end of any given stage, may apply for an extended time, extensions, do not require additional lecture time, but require additional workshop time, payable fees for extensions are arranged with the bursary unit of the house an

Concerning Our Courses 2

About Program 1 Stage 2: from requisite skills to introductory performances...Fingering, Coordination, Ear Training, Sight-reading, Language of Music, Breathing, Instinctiveness, Posture, etc, though already learnt, but yet needs to keep growing! At This stage the Repertoire starts to count...stage 2 is also known as the "012 phase" because here students must complete amongst other things: Diatonic Major scales for 12 keys Pentatonic Major scales for 12 keys 12 preparatory exercises  12 Melodious Practice Exercises  12 score sheet Repertoire  Duration: 12 weeks.  What to expect: The second stage of RH Applied Music gets quite busy, lectures are more advanced than at stage 1, now the basics of Sight-reading moves up-to to more active aspects: time signatures, key signatures, rests, dotted notes and all what the student needs to start playing rudimentary and preparatory exercises from their respective score sheets (which varies with every depart

Concerning our Courses (Part 1)

About Program 1 Stage 1 "building the requisite skills: fingering, coordination, Ear Training, Sight-reading, Language of Music, breathing, instinctiveness, posture, etc. This stage is foundational..." Duration: 3weeks.  What to expect: The first stage of the applied music program at ReHearsal House, provides training geared towards the building of requisite skills for playing the various instruments: performing music. For instance, those in Piano, Guitars and other String instruments would take the requisite fingering exercises to enable their fingers to be flexible, those in brass and woodwinds would be learning how to effectively position the lips correctly to the trumpet, blowing air into it, handling the instruments appropriately and with correct posture, etc. Other areas such as Maintenance, tuning, etc of instruments also apply. Those in drums should develop the correct posture, stick gripping, pedaling, etc: skill development for professional drumming