
Showing posts from May, 2021


 All unhappiness is a result of trying to meet our needs through human relationships. When another human being fails to meet our needs, we become frustrated and unhappy. We are finite, and therefore do not expect to find final sufficiency in any human relationship, including marriage. The final sufficiency is to be found only in a relationship with God. But on the basis of the FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST, through the agency of the Holy Spirit and the instrument of faith , there can be a substantial healing of relationships, and thus true joy . Modern multiple divorce is rooted in the fact that many are seeking in human relationships what human relationships can never give. Why do they have multiple divorce, instead of merely promiscous affairs? Because they are seeking more than merely the sexual relationship . But they can never find it, because what they are seeking does not exist in a purely finite relationship. It is like trying to quench thirst by swallowing sand . If man tries to...

Introducing The Language of Music (Excerpts from Mcsnup's MUS 101 Lesson Notes)

  Perfect MCSNUP  Introduction to the Language of Music. The universal system of communication between two or more professional musicians by the use of musical signs and symbols is known as the language of Music. Music is pre-historic, but the language of Music is not. When the Lord God laid the foundations of the earth, the morning stars sang and the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38: 7), Yes! Music is pre-historic. Indeed, Music was not created by man, like we mentioned in previous classroom session, a cursory look at the nature of Music with respect to man, reveals that music is instinctive with man, a mother instinctively sings to her baby and indeed, even lullabies are so known and judged to be lullabies, by basic instincts! No mom, sings rock and pop to put her baby more...

This Week on Piano Performance with Mcsnup: Piano Fingering Techniques I

 Hello and welcome to Piano Fingering Techniques I. Today I will be starting a review on one of our courses, and through the week, we'll look into it from time to time. Most of the materials, techniques and practice Exercises mentioned here are covered in more details in the Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques Book 1 and adapted from the ReHearsal House Piano Performance and Fingering Techniques Course Curriculum (PNO 110). The listed Techniques in the course includes: The Natural Key Technique The Pentatonic Sol-fa Key by Key Fingering Technique.  The Pentatonic Sol-fa Key by Key Fingering Technique.  The Diatonic Major Scale Fingering The Double notes Fingering Techniques The Pentatonic Major Scale Fingering And Fingering Techniques for Triads. The goal of Fingering Techniques for Piano Performance beginners is to develop flexible and swift across keys fingers  Read More