
Showing posts from March, 2023

April 2023 Childhood Musicals

Every April, Music Loving Kids Converge At the ReHearsal House, April Childhood Musicals for An Unforgettable Musical Learning Experience. This Year's April Childhood Musical Holiday Festival promises to be a most unforgettable experience in the history of the program thus far! A festival of Musicality indeed and lots more! Early Birds are scheduled to resume from March 27th while the program officially kicks off on the 1st of April and runs, Mondays through Thursdays until the 27th of April. Each days, Session holds 9am - 2pm,  Continue for Further Reading

Whatever Happened To Christianity? (Part 1)

Whatever Happened To Christianity? -Perfect Mcsnup. And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. -Matt. 24:4,5. Two Kinds of Christianity That Shall Be In the Last Days, are represented by the WHEAT & TARES. They shall share the name of Christ... Yet By their Fruits We shall know Them... Fruits ripen in the due Season, the last days, are seasons of ripenings...  Thus, we do well to take heed to the fruits of these two brands- The Wheat And The Tares... The Fruit of the Spirit (The Wheat Brand of Christianity) is LOVE! Love Says: "Love Your Enemies!" And Yes UNCONDITIONALLY! The Tares may pretend to be loving, and can pretend well, for it's chiefest fruit is HYPOCRISY! Yet in the day, of TRIBULATION- That is when the Lord Tries it, the reality of which it is made of, can no longer be hidden, it'll immediately say, without repentance, without care or apology...