BLIND REQUEST Richard B. Ajamah I asked of God that He should give success to the high task I sought for Him to do; I asked that every hindrance might grow less And that my hours of weakness might be few; I asked that far and lofty heights be scaled--- And now I humbly thank Him that I failed. For with the pain and sorrow came to me A dower of tenderness in act and thought; And with the failure came a sympathy, An insight which success had never brought. Father, I had been foolish and unblest If thou hadst granted me my blind request. A restless will may lead us to pray to our own hurt. If there is not a timely recognition of this, accompanied by self-judgment and submission to the Word of God, we may find our prayers answered only to our deepest distress and sorrow afterwards. AND HE GAVE THEM THEIR REQUEST; BUT SENT LEANNESS INTO THEIR SOUL . (PSALM 106:15). May we never persist in demanding of God what He is loathe to give, because in His infinite wisdom He has so