
Showing posts from April, 2021


  BLIND REQUEST Richard B. Ajamah I asked of God that He should give success to the high task I sought for Him to do; I asked that every hindrance might grow less And that my hours of weakness might be few; I asked that far and lofty heights be scaled--- And now I humbly thank Him that I failed. For with the pain and sorrow came to me A dower of tenderness in act and thought; And with the failure came a sympathy, An insight which success had never brought. Father, I had been foolish and unblest If thou hadst granted me my blind request. A restless will may lead us to pray to our own hurt. If there is not a timely recognition of this, accompanied by self-judgment and submission to the Word of God, we may find our prayers answered only to our deepest distress and sorrow afterwards. AND HE GAVE THEM THEIR REQUEST; BUT SENT LEANNESS INTO THEIR SOUL .                  (PSALM 106:15). May we never persist in demanding of God what He is loathe to give, because in His infinite wisdom He has so

Today on ReHearsal House

Earthly Life is ReHearsal! Yes the "ReHearsal House" for eternity! Someday there'll be Rewards & Judgements for every "Act" well played, not well played, or all together ignored! Take heed How You Rehearse... Check the Script every now and then... Ensure you're on course... And if You don't Know Your Role? Check The Script, for it is Complete with roles for everyone: God's holy Word, the Bible, Is Our Script(ure)!


WHY YOU CANNOT LIVE THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Perfect Mcsnup. The Scripture says concerning the last days: 2Tim. 3:5 "They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly..." (NLT) The King James Version renders it thus: 2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV)  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. It clearly implies a form: an outward appearance, something that feels like it is, but yet it is not! It is false! It lacks the power of godliness! It is only an aesthetics of a sort, a false labour of the soul-life, not having the rest of the Spirit -that means, not having got the Eternal Life which is in the Son (Christ)! It is a question of the power of a Life! If there is no power, there will only be vain efforts, efforts and loads of efforts, all to no avail  Read More...

New Book From Perfect Mcsnup

  In case you haven't visited our  Book Store  lately, we have recently published the First Volume of the  Mcsnup's Little Lad's Music Book 1  on  Our Page on Amazon The 76 page book (available in EBook and Paper Back formats), approaches music theory from a whole new perspective, as the author attempts to present theory of music as a most friendly Companion Reader. The simple goal is to by God's grace attempt to put Music learning in its most desired place: the place of a Minstrel (Maid servant) serving to the purpose and glory of her Lord!  Yes, the book is for Children of all ages, yet Parents will find it indeed, a highly instructive Companion!


The In-House conference for Lyricists Is scheduled to hold in ReHearsal House Studios: 18:00GMT, April Saturday 10th, 2021 Attendance is Free! Perfect Mcsnup will be speaking on: THE MESSAGE AND THE LYRICIST! Features in Today's Topic will include: -Introduction :  A quote from a secular  Philosopher: "...Let me Make the Music of a Nation, and I'll care not who makes its laws..." -It begins with A Purpose! The First question and one that should resonate through the lyricists thought, when he sets out to write: why this lyrics? Today, it is almost as though, songwriters are meant to write from a vacuum and to fill up space; but does our common quote not say: "when the purpose of a thing is unknown abuse is inevitable..."? - The Centrality of Lyrical Message As Important as the purpose is the CENTRAL THEME. Now what is the Central theme? What is the Heart of the lyricists message, or better still what should be the heart of a lyricists message? Is this an open