
Showing posts from April, 2023

2023 April Childhood Musicals

  2023 April Childhood Musicals|22:04:23 The Count Down Begins! The Clock Ticks! ReHearsal House Childhood Musicals Presents The First Recitals of 2023 this April!  Featuring Presentations from Musikgarten Pupils, Grade School Musical Pupils, Featured Guest Appearances And lots More! Complete Program Details  Includes the First of its kind, InterHouse Musical Competition and Solo Performance Challenges for Children from Musikgarten to Grade 2. Piano Recital 2023 Recital Features includes: Piano Majors And Saxophone Majors. Including Songs Presentation from the Childhood Musical Choir. Program will be featured Live on YouTube and Zoom.


  On our Tuesday "Back In Time" today: Here is A Teaser Of Our Piano Workshop Session for our Recording Artistry Students, three years ago:  Lesson: The vi ii iii chord progression. Course Code: PNO 200 Music & Lyrics Credits: Mcsnups' "You Are My God" An Original Composition, Composed by Improvisation specifically for This Session. #rehearse #makemusic #musicspeaks #mcsnupteachespianoforte Watch On YouTube

Singing 101: Understanding The First Principles of Vocals by Perfect Mcsnup.

ReHearsal House Recording Artistry Course Admissions Is On. For Most Vocal Lessons Enthusiasts, The very first challenge is the lack of awareness of the Basic Principles! In a Previous Post, we discussed the Open Throat Singing Principle, there's need to take it one step further!  There are three basic Principles in Singing: 1. Open Throat: Diaphragmatic Singing. 2. Support 3. Avoiding The Lip-Jaw Tensions. It's good to note that Singing is an entirely Natural Process, this therefore suggests that these three Principles are in fact connected. For instance a Test of Diaphragmatic Singing is Support! In this Discussion today, we want to talk about the Open Throat Singing Principle further again. Like already mentioned, most of the challenge is in the lack of awareness that one is observing or not observing this first principle of singing! In the Absence of this awareness, what the may the vocalist do? For some it is a sheer keep singing guessing that, so long as you're produc

ReHearsal House Monday Q & A

  Q: I Want To Play the Piano, How do I get Started? A: Just Own A Keyboard, Play a few notes every morning... Ensure to use both hands And All ten fingers Everytime you do!

PNO 110 Lesson 2 From Mcsnups' Piano Notes

Pianoforte: Softly Loudly Soft. The Diatonic Major Scale for Pianoforte by Perfect Mcsnup. A Mcsnup Teaches Pianoforte Excerpts. Introduction to Piano Keyboard Anatomy Video Introduction: The Diatonic Major Scale is one of the first scales we learn on the Piano. The scale has seven distinct tones, so we say it is a heptatonic scale: that is a scale of seven degrees! The first degree doubles as the Octave- thus the start of a new series of pitch-quadrant. Tones And Semitones: The Diatonic Major Scale has five whole steps, and two half steps. Whole steps are also called TONES and half steps are called SEMITONES. When we look at the Piano, we notice series of white and black keys, the black keys are arranged in groups of two's and three'. The white key that is just before the group of two black keys, is the key of C and F is the white just before the group of three black keys (see our  Previous Lesson/Sessions on this). Now, from C to the black key just above C (that is C#), is a

Mcsnup Teaches Pianoforte Returns This Weekend

  A Mcsnup Teaches Pianoforte Session (2.0) Date/Time:  08/04/23 (5:00PM WAT) COURSE CODE: PNO 110 COURSE TITLE: UNDERSTANDING THE DIATONIC MAJOR SCALE IN PIANO PERFORMANCE 1. DETAILS: Course Level: Beginner  LESSON NO: 1 Topic: Piano Application of The Major Scale. Lesson Overview: 1. A Review of The Piano Keys. 2. Tones And Semitones on the Piano. 3. Identifying Tones And Semitones  4. First Family Keys: Piano Fingering For First Family Keys. Session Structure:  First Period:  08/04- 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Session Intro. Lesson 1 & 2. Second Period: 08/04- 6:00pm - 6:30pm. Questions And Answers. Final Announcements and Mcsnup Teaches Pianoforte 2.0 closes. N/B: This is an Online Version of our Live Classes, and on a very easy and convenient platform: WhatsApp! Training covers divers materials, the main lesson material is covered by Mcsnup via direct lectures on the MCSNUP Teaches Pianoforte WhatsApp Channel. Additional Materials are supplied via additional links, books, etc. To Partici

The RH April Project Update

APRIL PIANO CHALLENGE HOLDS 20TH Click here for "The Road To The Finals": 2023 April Musicals Solo Piano/Music Challenge Groupings From Our News Room! We're Pleased to Announce a few updates to the ReHearsal House April Project! First offs, April Childhood Musicals is about three weeks to winding down, new concert date has been scheduled for the 22nd of April further details  Here The Program Calendar for  April Is Here  as well, As College of Applied Music Now has its full April Fixtures listed on board from the Second Semester Resumption Calendar to the Return of our Third Semester Students and Much More! ReHearsal House First Solo Artistry Covers Auditions for 2023 Holds 30th April. Also, there are details on the First Artist Converge and the First Music Production Business Seminar of the Year All coming up this April again see  The April Calendar to get full details . Our First Sight Singing Project for the Year is Also scheduled for  This April . Happy Full April. Ac