RH Company & Studios

Welcome To The RH Company. The Record Company and Film Scripts division of ReHearsal House Academy and Music Company.

In 2015 we had a National Hymn written and composed by Perfect Mcsnup (The ReHearsal House Musical Director/Chief Musical Educator), presented to the Academy; and following the opportunity afforded us at the time (we were just beginning our House Record Studio) with our dear friend K.C. Humble, a Music Producer, being around, it wasn't long before the song which went on to become the RH Company debut Single "God Bless Nigeria" hit the recording studio, featuring solos from Edgar, Mcsnup, Joy, Emmanuel, Amaka, Emmy Peco, Kelechi, Osaretin and the RH 2015 Academy Choir. Recorded in the simple RH Bedroom Studio, The GBN as we later came to call it, really marks the quite quiet beginning of what we now call the RH Company.

Today the RH Company comprises of the RH Home Studio, RH Scriptwriting Studio and The Artiste Platform, an Independent Artiste and In-Studio Artiste division of the Academy.


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