Concerning our Courses (Part 1)

About Program 1 Stage 1
"building the requisite skills: fingering, coordination, Ear Training, Sight-reading, Language of Music, breathing, instinctiveness, posture, etc. This stage is foundational..."

Duration: 3weeks. 

What to expect:

The first stage of the applied music program at ReHearsal House, provides training geared towards the building of requisite skills for playing the various instruments: performing music. For instance, those in Piano, Guitars and other String instruments would take the requisite fingering exercises to enable their fingers to be flexible, those in brass and woodwinds would be learning how to effectively position the lips correctly to the trumpet, blowing air into it, handling the instruments appropriately and with correct posture, etc. Other areas such as Maintenance, tuning, etc of instruments also apply. Those in drums should develop the correct posture, stick gripping, pedaling, etc: skill development for professional drumming. Vocals and Recording Artistry are the only courses which have a presentation (performance:that is the Singers first cover), in stage 1, all other departments, would have to wait until the end of stage 2, before their first Recitals. 

In stage 1, every student must complete/participate in addition to 3 sessions of lectures and 3 sessions of workshops from their respective departments:

A Seminar on Ear Training 

3 sessions on the applications of Music Theory 

An introductory session on Sight reading.

Other Seminars and workshops, which apply to the departments (courses) concerned, includes:

1. Introductory Lecture on Lyricology 

2. Introductory course for Musical Directors. 


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