Music Production-Business (2.0)
Registration/Application Forms: 10,000NGN.
COVERAGE: Applied Musicology, Piano Performance, Keyboards, Musical Directing, Ear Training, Microphones: Reviews and Miking Techniques; Sound Engineering: Recording Engineering, Mixing Engineering and Mastering Engineering; Music Production Principles and Techniques in: FL Studio, Cubase, Ableton Live, Reason, etc. Genres of Music, Drums/Guitar/Bass Guitar.
7 Semesters
16 Months
With majors in:
Music Production, Sound Engineering, Piano Performance, Keyboards, Musical Directing and Composition.
Program Level 1 (Preliminaries): Foundation/Preliminary.
Duration: 3 Weeks.
Basics in Language of music Course
Basics In Language of Piano Music
Basics in Elective Instrument
Tuition: 20,000NGN.
Main courses: Introduction to the Language of music, Basic Rudiments of music theory, foundations in piano music, etc.
First Semester:
Main courses: Introduction to the Language of music, Basic Rudiments of music theory, piano keyboard anatomy, Solmization and Ear training, Applied Musicology, sight reading for piano performance, piano anatomy and melodious exercises, introductory musical scales, musical directing: first principles, introductory course on microphones and basic recording equipments, introduction to recording engineering.
Category: Foundational
Duration: 8 weeks
Tuition: 100,000NGN.
Second semester:
Main courses: Solmization and Ear training, Applied Musicology, sight reading for piano performance, piano anatomy and melodious exercises, introductory musical scales, musical directing: first principles, introductory course on microphone techniques, introduction to recording engineering, introduction to Drums, Introductory Studio Sessions, etc.
Category: Beginner
Duration: 8 weeks
Test of Applied Music 1: 2,000NGN
First Studio Demos (3 beats) in FL Studio/Cubase.
Tuition: 120,000NGN
Third semester:
Category: Intermediate
Duration: 9 weeks
Repertoire: 3 Studio Sessions, 24 (Piano), 6 (Drums), Ongoing studio projects (34), Musical Directing Roles (2 Directed Solo Covers).
Tuition: 150,000NGN
Fourth semester:
Main courses: Solmization and Guerrilla Ear training, Applied Musicology, Language of Music, fundamentals of Melody, rudiments of rhythm, sight reading for piano performance, piano performance technique and chord anatomy, other musical scales, advanced keyboard techniques, improvisational skills, genres of music, standard scores for ear training, history and philosophy of Music, musical directing, recording engineering principles, introduction to mixing engineering, music production business course, etc.
Category: Transition
Duration: 11 weeks
Recitals and 2nd test of applied music (TAM)
Repertoire: 4 Studio sessions, 36 (Piano), Ongoing Studio projects (34).
Tuition: 175,000NGN
Internship begins from this semester.
Fifth semester:
Main courses: Solmization and Guerrilla Ear training, Applied Musicology, Language of Music, fundamentals of Melody, rudiments of rhythm, sight reading for piano performance, piano performance technique and chord anatomy, other musical scales, advanced keyboard techniques, improvisational skills, genres of music, standard scores for ear training, history and philosophy of Music, musical directing, recording engineering principles, introduction to mixing engineering, mastering engineering course, music production business course 3, introduction to vocals and songwriting, Music Pedagogy Course 2, etc.
Category: Advanced Musicianship
Duration: 10 weeks
Recitals and First Piano concerto and Studio Project, 3rd test of applied music (TAM)
Repertoire: 4 Studio sessions, Ongoing Studio projects (68), 42 (Piano), 6 (Bass/Guitar), Musical Directing Roles (Directed Solo Covers: 6, Directed Duet Covers: 5, Directed Band Covers: 1)
Tuition: 160,500NGN.
Sixth semester:
Main courses: Solmization and Guerrilla Ear training, Applied Musicology, Language of Music, fundamentals of Melody, rudiments of rhythm, sight reading for piano performance, piano performance technique and chord anatomy, other musical scales, advanced keyboard techniques, improvisational skills, genres of music, standard scores for ear training, history and philosophy of Music, musical directing, recording engineering principles, introduction to mixing engineering, mastering engineering course, music production business course 3, sight reading for singers, Basic vocal techniques, Music Pedagogy 3 and Internship.
Category: Penultimate Musicianship
Duration: 10 Weeks
Recitals, 2nd and 3rd Studio Projects
4th test of applied music (TAM), First Seminar session.
Repertoire: Ongoing Studio Projects (70), 60 (Piano), Musical Directing Roles (Directed Solo Covers: 8, Directed Duet Covers: 6, Directed Band Covers: 3), Production of first Full Track.
Tuition: 165,000NGN
Seventh semester:
Main courses: Solmization and Guerrilla Ear training, Applied Musicology, Language of Music, fundamentals of Melody, rudiments of rhythm, sight reading for piano performance, piano performance technique and chord anatomy, other musical scales, advanced keyboard techniques, improvisational skills, genres of music, standard scores for ear training, history and philosophy of Music, musical directing, recording engineering principles, introduction to mixing engineering, mastering engineering course, music production business course 3, etc.
Category: Graduate Musicianship
Duration: 12 weeks
Recitals and Studio Projects
5th test of applied music (TAM), second Seminar session.
Tuition: 200,000NGN
Other courses:
Exceptional students may add courses from other departments if approved by the Chief Musical Educator (CME).
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