RH Special Needs Children Musical Program


Registration/Application For Admission Forms/Entry: 10,000NGN.

Termly Fees: 150,000NGN
Hostel Plans (Termly): 120,000.

Class Days: Mondays - Thursdays.

About The Program:

The ReHearsal House Special Needs Children Program, was first explored in 2015; approximately eight years later, we somewhat find

the opportunity to officially launch into this utmost care requiring department of Special Education.

Like we maintain, the true success with any educational program, lies not solely in the quality of the material environment but mostly in the substance of the prevailing character governing that environment!

"No Student rises above his Teacher" finds its meaning not in the cliche of material activities, but simply put in the all round activity of character-exchanges! The Teacher cannot give what they don't live (practice). The Student do not meet just tall and short folks within the school environment, they meet PREVALENT CHARACTERS! Thus, The first place we must begin every teaching, is our very own lives!

This, which holds true in our experience for General Education, is even a much more grave reality for the Special Needs Educational Department! Thus, we delve into this New Test of Character, once again trusting the supplier of Grace, to fill up our many lacks!

We have slated a 16 Semesters of four years Course to this developing department. The Goal of the Program is to:

1. Provide A Hands-on Educational Experience for the Special Needs Students: As Always the most effective way to learn is to Do! Thus our choice of a Hands-on/Activity Based Curriculum.

2. Prepare the Students strictly speaking, for self-sustenance: The College Age Special Needs Students, are quite in and approaching closely adulthood! By God's Grace, this program does aim to prepare them for that real business of adulthood. This implies spreading our course areas beyond the traditional musical instruments, learning, thus we have named the course: Music Vocation and Music Vocation Business. To duly fit to the best of their God provided abilities in the real world, run their businesses, manage their personal affairs, raise their own families and more importantly be duly responsible for their souls, this is what we have in mind and thus the course areas, we recommend.

3. Start Up and Oversee the Management of the College Age Special Needs Students Business from the time they commence the program(s)/training! Thus, the Student is provided a simulate "office" within the Academy, where their own instruments (for business) is kept under watch of the Academy Management, until approved following their own faithful maintenance of it, to be fully under their own custody! These Instruments are the Starting place of their own Business Assets, they learn, practice and rehearse with their instruments, but beyond that they also earn some form of economy with their instruments, the Business, its administration, etc. is practically done by the ReHearsal House Management, with the Students developing from Apprentices to Managers supervised managers, throughout the training periods.

4. Instruments and Equipments of best qualities are available on the ReHearsal House Shop Musicals: An Online Music Store. In the RH Shop Musicals, we carefully select the finest for particular client and suitable for particular purpose with budget(s) in view Instrument(s) even providing a purchasing plan for the clients for any instruments/equipments of their choice.

5. Courses Are Divided into the Core Course, The Majors and the Minors. Core Courses are Mandatory, Major Courses are Essential though may be opted in for or out of whereas Minors are Electives.

Core Courses:

Majors In Percussion:

Conga Drums

Digital Drums & Drum Synths.

Majors In Keyboards & Piano Synths:

Keyboard & Piano Synths.


Majors In Vocals:

Monotonic Vocals

Monotonic Vocal Clinic Sessions.

Majors In Music Technology:

Digital Music Productions 

Computer Based Melody Writing 

Majors In Music Vocation Business:

Music Vocation Business Systems.

Musical Equipments & Installations.

Music Vocation Business Operations.

Music Business Start Ups.

Minor Courses (Electives):

Majors in Any (One) Instrument of Choice:
*Electric Bass


-Record Studio Apprenticeship (Mandatory).
-Music Business Apprenticeship 
-Business Ops Management.
-Featured Sessions

Major Courses:

*Communication & Language.


*Daily Living Skills

*Socio-Emotional Learning

*Physical Education


*Vocational Entrepreneurship Education

Click on the respective Link for the Program and respective Semester Tuition for each Year.


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