Some Details About Batch 002/2022 Admissions.
1. The Second Batch of 2022 Admissions into the ReHearsal House College of Applied Music is Available both for Full Time and Part Time.
2. Registration forms cost 3,000NGN for both Full Time and Part Time.
3. The RH Batch 002/2022 Full Time Program operates a highly flexible routine of Morning Session Options, Afternoon Session Options and Evening Session Options. And Students may choose from any of these Options. Also full time students time tables provides in some cases as much as two lecture free days, so that students have sufficient time for both rehearsals, work study or any other personal engagements (businesses).
4. The Part Time Program runs mostly on Saturdays, only on certain exceptions do we hold a Sunday Afternoon Class for Part Time Students.
5. The 002/2022 Admissions Forms as well as other registration matters will hold throughout the month of February and Preliminary Courses will begin with Orientations on the first week of March.
6. The Unprecedented Tuition Discounts of the first Batch also applies in the second batch, see Tuition details.
7. A few additions have been included to the curriculum following recent revisions and musical progresses.
8. The Applied Music Diploma Majors and Minors as well as the Diploma in Music Business with their respective courses have not experienced any particular structural changes, again see Courses for further details.
9. Diploma programs are a 16 months duration for full time and 18 months for Part Time, and scheduled for 3 program Levels of a total 7 semesters with Recitals and Tests of Applied Music Applying at the end of each program level.
10. If you are looking for the right place to study Music professionally, Applying it to any Instruments of your choice, then choose ReHearsal House.
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