The Piano Fingering Techniques Blog Series Premiere

Hey there, welcome to our new series, or rather the come back of one of our old series which we now hope to keep up.

It was originally intended for a review series on Piano Fingering Techniques, but as our onsite activities got too engaging we couldn't pull it off as we had hoped to.

Now following the commencement of our Blog Series, we thought it welcoming to re-enlist this content on Piano Fingering Techniques as part of our Blog Series.

Find the initial content here


This Week On Piano Fingering Techniques Blog Series: 

Hello and welcome to Piano Fingering Techniques. The ReHearsal House Piano Fingering Program developed by Piano Music Educator Perfect Mcsnup is a course program focused on training beginner Pianists especially to have the correct fingering orientation thus disposition in their journey in Piano Performance.

Fingering as the Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Book puts it, is everything in Piano Performance! So, a beginner who realizes the tremendous solution to future needs or problems early on and starts to work on their fingering orientation and thus disposition is starting out on a very intelligent note.

The Piano is an Intelligence instrument, therefore its learning ought to be by all means approached intelligently!

Most of the materials, techniques and practice Exercises that'll be covered in this series are referenced in the Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques Book 1 and adapted from the ReHearsal House Piano Performance and Fingering Techniques Course Curriculum (PNO 110). Thus Students of ReHearsal House Piano Department will find this series highly recommendable as it compliments their study.

The listed Techniques in the course includes:

The Unaided Technique.

The Natural Key Technique.

The Pentatonic Sol-fa Key by Key Fingering Technique. 

The Diatonic Major Scale Fingering.

The Double notes Fingering Techniques.

The Pentatonic Major Scale Fingering.

And Fingering Techniques for Triads.

The goal of Fingering Techniques for Piano Performance beginners is to develop flexible and swift across keys fingers. This means that, the Student should be able to play everything they desire and know and at the required pace (tempo), time and dynamics. Crescendo notes have to Crescend and Decrescendo decrescend and these with fingers flowing as smoothly and swiftly (were required) as required!

In order to play everything one desires and play with the required virtuosity, the fingers must be trained and with appropriate fingering techniques, the techniques used to train the fingers for piano performance, is just as important as the fingering training itself, therefore, techniques must be proven to be apt to satisfy the requisite goal before being employed.

Fingering Techniques is not only applicable to beginner Pianists, although certain techniques may apply mostly for beginners, but Fingering Techniques generally, is not something which ends at the start of Ones musicianship. One may be required to play certain musical passages, but realize there are difficulties with playing those passages, many times, the difficulty do not exactly lie with the passage, but with the fact that the player is yet to acquire duly, the requisite technique for playing the passage. In such situations, it is only common sensible to learn the appropriate technique first, and learning the appropriate technique requires applicable fingering techniques (exercises) for the situation on ground. Thus fingering techniques are not reserved for beginner pianists only, pros can also develop exercises to enhance Musicianship.

Fingering Techniques are not theoretical, every technique must be condensed into practice exercises and from basic practice exercises to advanced, all based upon the technique in view. Practice exercises must also be systematic, beginning from Semibreve slow to Minim fast to crotchet fast to quaver and so on. In the Mcsnup's Piano Fingering Techniques Book 1, each technique is arranged in such systematic process.

Follow us this week on our "Piano Performance This Week with Perfect Mcsnup" blog series as we preview a number of these beginner Fingering Techniques and also share some practice exercises.

Piano Performance This week with Mcsnup is a weekly featured blog on our website, the session also plans to include links to the video (vlog) equivalent of the same title: Piano Performance this week with Mcsnup on our YouTube channel. Check out the link for every other blog posts from This Week on Piano Performance with Mcsnup Blog Series

Mcsnup is the Head of the Piano Performance Department and Chief Musical Educator of ReHearsal House Nigeria.


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