Updates From The Artist Platform

Earlier Today, The RH Company: The Record Company and Artist Management Division of ReHearsal House Nigeria, Unveiled Emily, the Newest Signing Into the RH Company. 

Emily, A Mezzo Soprano with Vocal Range G3 to G5 Currently Majors in Recording Artistry with Minors In Keyboards. You can Follow Emily on her ARTIST PLATFORM Page for exclusive Updates, new song releases, videos, reviews, news, etc.

The ReHearsal House Artist Platform Initiative Originally Developed for ReHearsal House Recording Artistry Students, expanded it's base to Accommodate developing Indie Artists in 2022. The Platform which Develops and Manages Indie Artist and Students in Recording Artistry (ReHearsal House Nigeria) has signed under it's Management Artists Including Esvee, Sojourner, Kc Humble, George Paul, and Others.


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